Srinagar, June 11: Srinagar Police have acted swiftly following the emergence of a viral video showing unidentified individuals engaging in offensive behaviour on a shikara in Dal Lake while in an inebriated state. The incident has sparked widespread outrage on social media platforms.
A case has been registered under FIR no. 83/2024, invoking Section 295A of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) at the Ram Munshibagh Police Station. This section pertains to deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings.
Two individuals have been arrested in connection with the incident, and additional suspects are currently being questioned as part of the ongoing investigation.
“Srinagar Police has taken cognizance after a video of unidentified individuals indulging in offensive behaviour in a shikara in Dal Lake in an inebriated state went viral across social media platforms. Case FIR no. 83/2024 u/s 295A IPC stands registered in PS Ram Munshibagh,” Srinagar Police informed on X.
“Two accused persons have been arrested while more suspects are being questioned. Further investigation into the matter is going on,” they said.
The swift action by the Srinagar Police underscores their commitment to maintaining public order and respecting cultural and religious sensitivities in the region. Further updates on the investigation are awaited.