A conflict erupted at a wedding celebration in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, leading to six individuals sustaining injuries due to a shortage of rasgullas, according to news agency PTI quoting police reports. The incident occurred in the Shamsabad area around midnight on Sunday. The injured individuals were admitted to the hospital, and authorities have stated that their conditions are currently stable.
“Six people were injured in the incident and a case has been registered. Those who are in hospital are out of danger,” SHO Shamsabad police station Anil Sharma said. “On Sunday, there was a wedding function at the residence of Brijbhan Kushwaha… at the function, a person passed a comment on the shortage of rasgullas,” he said.
This led to a fight, and Bhagwan Devi, Yogesh, Manoj, Kailash, Dharmendra and Pawan were injured, Sharma said Last year in October, a man was killed in a fight over shortage of sweets at a wedding in Etmadpur. Last year in October, a man was killed in a fight over shortage of sweets at a wedding in Etmadpur.