Srinagar police on Wednesday said to have arrested a man accused of raping a minor girl in Hamdaniya colony Bemina area of Srinagar.
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They identified the accused as Irshad Ahmad Langoo S/o Bashir Ahmed Langoo R/o Hamdaniya Colony Bemina.
Case under FIR No. 97/2023 u/s 376 of IPC, sections 5(N), 6 of POCSO Act registered in Bemina police station, they said.
Srinagar police on X informed, “One Irshad Ahmad Langoo S/o Bashir Ahmed Langoo R/o Hamdaniya Colony arrested for raping a minor girl. FIR No. 97/2023 u/s 376 of IPC, sections 5(N), 6 of POCSO Act registered in Bemina PS.”