After taking over the investigation, State Investigation Agency (SIA) has announced a cash reward of Rs 10,00000 (Rupees Ten lacs) for those providing information leading to the arrest of the persons involved in the killing of Senior Advocate of J&K High Court Late Babar Qadri.
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In a notice, “A cash reward of Rs 10,00000 (Rupees Ten lacs) is announced for those providing information leading to the arrest of the persons involved in the killing of Senior Advocate of J&K High Court Late Babar Qadri S/O Sh. Mohd Yasin Qadri R/O Zahidpora, Hawal, Srinagar who was killed by terrorists on 24.09.2020 at his residence.”
The identity of the informer shall be kept highly confidential. Those having any information can contact us at the Mobile/WhatsApp/Telegram/Signal number 9103998467, it said.
A Case FIR No 62/2020 U/S 302 IPC 7/27 IAA 13/16/18/20/39 UA PA was registered at P/S Lalbazar Srinagar now SIA Kashmir, reads the notice issued by Chief Investigation officer SIT, SIA Kashmir. KDC