Srinagar police on Friday said to have arrested a fraudster for selling fake certificates in lieu of money.
They said accused identified as Abdul Majeed Sheikh S/o Gh Mohd Sheikh R/o Barthana Qamarwari was arrested for selling fake certificates in lieu of money. 34 Domicile certificates, 12 income certificates, 07 birth certificate, 02 laptops seized.
Case under FIR no 75/2023 u/s 420,468 of IPC in Bemina police station, they said.
Srinagar police in a tweet said, “One Fraudster namely Ab Majeed Sheikh S/o Gh Mohd Sheikh R/o Barthana Qamarwari arrested for selling fake certificates in lieu of money. 34 Domicile certificates, 12 income certificates, 07 birth certificate, 02 laptops seized. FIR no 75/2023 u/s 420,468 of IPC in Bemina PS.”