Srinagar police on Wednesday said to have booked a fraudster hailing from Safakadal area of Srinagar under PSA for fraud, human trafficking, child labour and cheating.
They said that a fraudster identified as Rizwan Ahmad Shah of Safakadal Srinagar, Owner of Shah Ji Consultancy, Rajbagh has been booked in PSA & lodged in Kot Balwal Jail.
He had done fraud, human trafficking, child labour, cheating. Public is advised to check credentials of consultancies for hiring domestic helps, they said.
Srinagar police in a tweet said, “One Fraudster Rizwan Ahmad Shah of Safakadal Srinagar, Owner of Shah Ji Consultancy, Rajbagh booked in PSA & lodged in Kot Balwal Jail. He had done fraud, human trafficking, child labour, cheating. Public is advised to check credentials of consultancies for hiring domestic helps.”