Srinagar police on Monday said to have arrested two accused involved in stabbing a man in Jawahar nagar area of Srinagar on Saturday late evening.
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They said during investigation of FIR no 45/2023 of Rajbagh police station, two accused identified as Umer Fayaz Sheikh S/o Fayaz Sheikh of Ikhrajpora and Imran Mushtaq Wani S/o Mushtaq Wani of Jawahar Nagar were arrested for stabbing a man in Jawahar nagar.
On X Srinagar Police informed, “During investigation of FIR no 45/2023 of Rajbagh PS, 2 accused namely Umer Fayaz Sheikh S/o Fayaz Sheikh of Ikhrajpora & Imran Mushtaq Wani S/o Mushtaq Wani of Jawahar Nagar arrested for stabbing a youth in Jawahar nagar on 14.10.2023. Weapon of offence also recovered.”