The District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) Srinagar under the aegis of J&K Legal Services Authority organised a Special Lok Adalat on 24th and 25th August 2023 in the District Court Complex Srinagar.
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The said Special Lok Adalat was organized under the Chairmanship of Jawad Ahmad, Chairman DLSA (Pr. District & Sessions Judge) Srinagar and over all supervision of Jahangir Ahmad Bakshi, Secretary, DLSA Srinagar.
A Special bench for MACT cases was constituted, consisting of Jeema Bashir (Presiding Officer, MACT Court) Srinagar and Khursheed ul Islam (Ist Additional District Session Judge) Srinagar.
A total number of 52 cases were taken up by this bench for their amicable settlement. Out of which 29 Cases were settled, with a settled amount of Rs. 54, 05,000.