Baramulla police on Wednesday said to have arrested a militant associate of Lashkar-i-Toiba (LeT) oufit along with ammunition in north Kashmir’s Baramulla district.
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In a statement to Asian News Hub (ANH), a police spokesman said that a joint forces of Baramulla Police, Army 29 RR and 2 Bn SSB during naka checking at Singhpora Pattan noticed a person wearing Pheran (Gown) coming from Matipora side on seeing the naka party he tried to flee from the spot but the alert party chased him and was apprehended tactfully.
During his personal search, 71 live rounds of AK-47 were recovered, and he was taken into custody immediately, he said.
During questioning, he revealed his name as Ali Mohammad Bhat S/O Gh Rasool Bhat R/O Bonichakal Arampora Pattan and is working as a militant Associate with banned militant organisation LeT outfit, he said.
Case under sections of Arms and ULA (P) Act stands registered in Police station Pattan and investigation set into motion, the spokesman added.