Deputy Inspector General of Police CKR Srinagar Sujit Kumar-IPS on Wednesday visited district Budgam and chaired a review meeting regarding security scenario, anti- militancy operations, law and order, anti-drug drive and other issues related to day-to-day policing at District Police Office Budgam.
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During the meeting, DIG CKR took stock of the overall security situation of the district. He also held a threadbare discussion regarding the recent murder case and expressed his satisfaction on the investigation of the case. He directed the officers for successful culmination of the case on merits.
DIG CKR also directed all the officers to complete investigation of all pending cases on priority. He also laid stress on strengthening the police-public relations, service-oriented policing which will help in gaining the confidence and trust of general public.
He emphasised upon the officers to adopt professional approach while dealing with counter insurgency operations and law and order situations.